Technical meeting in Ljubljana

Hanjalka Csabai at March 17, 2020

Within the framework of BioCompack-CE project with the aim of developing and strengthening cross-sectoral linkages among actors in sustainable biocomposite packaging innovation systems in a Central European circular economy, DBH Project Management Kft, as legal representative  of OMNIPACK Cluster,  participated an important project meeting in Ljubljana.

The target of the workshop was to discuss the workpackage of pilot actions, with the aim to provide a number of case studies from the consortium member countries for the forming Transnational Biocomposite Packaging Centre which will be one of the main outputs of the project. Training sessions are to be held in all Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary highlighting all the aspects of our new approach of innovative plastic-paper approach.

Due to coronavirus several project partners attended the meeting online and a major topic was how to continue the project in case national and international event cannot be organized. Since the final conference is to be held in mid-June in Warsaw, it is probable that we have to find some creative solutions for successfully going on with the project.
