How to Create a Wellness-Focused Workspace

Bálint Erényi at August 27, 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the concept of wellness in the workplace is gaining traction. More companies are realizing that the physical and mental well-being of their employees is directly linked to productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. A wellness-focused workspace is no longer a luxury but a necessity for forward-thinking organizations. This blog post will explore how to create such a workspace and why it’s a critical component of modern office solutions, particularly in flexible office environments.

The Importance of a Wellness-Focused Workspace

The traditional office setup is rapidly evolving, with a growing emphasis on employee well-being. According to a report by the Global Wellness Institute, the global wellness economy was worth $4.5 trillion in 2018, with workplace wellness comprising a significant portion of that figure. Companies that prioritize wellness in the workplace not only contribute to the health of their employees but also enhance their bottom line.

A study by the American Psychological Association found that workplaces with wellness programs see a 10% reduction in absenteeism, a 25% increase in employee morale, and a 20% improvement in employee retention rates. These statistics underscore the importance of integrating wellness into your office design and culture.

Steps to Create a Wellness-Focused Workspace

1. Ergonomic Design

The foundation of a wellness-focused workspace starts with ergonomics. Providing ergonomic furniture, such as adjustable chairs, sit-stand desks, and monitor stands, helps reduce physical strain and promotes better posture. According to a study by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), ergonomic improvements can lead to a 56% reduction in musculoskeletal disorders and a 30% increase in productivity.


  • Invest in high-quality, adjustable office chairs that support the natural curve of the spine.
  • Offer sit-stand desks to encourage employees to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day.
  • Ensure computer monitors are at eye level to prevent neck strain.

2. Natural Light and Air Quality

Exposure to natural light has a profound impact on employees’ mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. A study conducted by Cornell University found that employees working in environments with natural light experienced an 84% decrease in symptoms such as headaches, eyestrain, and blurred vision.

Similarly, good air quality is crucial for a healthy workspace. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of health issues, from respiratory problems to decreased cognitive function. The World Green Building Council reports that better indoor air quality can improve productivity by up to 11%.


  • Maximize natural light by using glass walls, open layouts, and reflective surfaces.
  • Incorporate indoor plants that can help purify the air and add a touch of nature to the workspace.
  • Use air purifiers and maintain proper ventilation to ensure a steady flow of clean air.

3. Promote Movement

Encouraging movement throughout the day is another key aspect of a wellness-focused workspace. Sedentary behavior is linked to numerous health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, which can be challenging in a traditional office setting.


  • Designate areas for stretching, yoga, or quick workouts within the office space.
  • Encourage walking meetings to get employees moving while discussing work matters.
  • Install standing desks in communal areas to promote a more active work environment.

4. Mental Wellness Spaces

Mental health is as important as physical health, and creating spaces where employees can recharge mentally is crucial. A wellness-focused workspace should include quiet zones or relaxation areas where employees can take a break from the hustle and bustle of the office. These spaces should be comfortable, calming, and free from distractions.


  • Create a designated quiet room with comfortable seating, soft lighting, and calming decor.
  • Consider offering mindfulness or meditation sessions during work hours.
  • Encourage employees to take short breaks throughout the day to reduce stress and boost mental clarity.

5. Healthy Food Options

Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining energy levels and overall wellness. Providing healthy food options in the workplace can make it easier for employees to make nutritious choices. According to a study by the British Journal of Health Psychology, employees who ate more fruits and vegetables reported higher levels of creativity, engagement, and overall well-being.


  • Offer a variety of healthy snacks in the office kitchen, such as fruits, nuts, and whole-grain options.
  • Provide access to filtered water and encourage employees to stay hydrated.
  • Partner with local vendors to offer nutritious meal options in the office or nearby.

6. Flexible Workspaces

A wellness-focused workspace also embraces flexibility. Employees have different work styles and needs, and providing a variety of workspaces allows them to choose the environment that best suits their tasks. Flexible office solutions, such as those offered by DBH Serviced Office, cater to this need by providing a range of workspace options, from quiet zones to collaborative areas.


  • Implement hot-desking or activity-based working to give employees the freedom to choose their workspace.
  • Provide private offices or phone booths for tasks that require concentration.
  • Create collaborative zones with comfortable seating for team projects and brainstorming sessions.

Creating a wellness-focused workspace is not just about adding a few plants or offering a gym membership; it’s about designing an environment that supports the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of your employees. By focusing on ergonomics, natural light, movement, mental wellness, healthy food options, and flexible workspaces, you can cultivate a workplace culture that promotes health and productivity.

As the demand for flexible office solutions continues to grow, companies like DBH Serviced Office are leading the way by offering serviced offices that prioritize wellness. By investing in a wellness-focused workspace, you’re not only enhancing the well-being of your employees but also positioning your company for long-term success.

Learn more about the wellness-focused workplaces and discover the role of breakout areas in office design.

Wellness-Focused Workspace