The future of hybrid work

Bálint Erényi at April 05, 2024

The shift towards hybrid work models has become a standout change in the working world in the past few years. This approach, which combines days in the office with working from home, has become a preferred style among both employees and employers for its balance of flexibility and structure.

According to a study, the norm for hybrid workers is to spend 2-3 days per week in the office, a schedule that seems to strike the right balance​​. The popularity of hybrid work signals its staying power, with a significant portion of the workforce looking to maintain some level of remote work flexibility moving forward.

It’s clear that companies need to embrace these changes to meet the evolving preferences and expectations of their teams. So let’s see, what is the future of hybrid work?

Key benefits of hybrid work

This shift is more than just a trend; it’s about reshaping the work-life puzzle to fit perfectly for most teams. It puts trust and choice in the hands of employees, aiming to match work with our ever-changing human needs. The result? Happier people, more meaningful workdays, and a thumbs-up to personal well-being.

  • Balanced choice and flexibility in work locations and hours.
  • Better employee experience through trust and autonomy.
  • Increased productivity with the ability to work in optimal environments.
  • Improved work-life balance, thanks to reduced commuting and greater personal time.

Technology in the focus

Technology is actively shaping hybrid work models. For example, cloud computing keeps everyone connected, ensuring access to data and systems from anywhere, anytime, while collaborative tools bridge the gap between remote and office teams, making communication seamless. On the other hand, AI and machine learning are revolutionizing workflow management, using predictive algorithms to anticipate needs and optimize task execution.

Clearly, the future of hybrid work is not only embracing technology; it’s being fundamentally supported and driven by it, ensuring a more flexible, efficient, and interconnected workplace for all.

Flexible working hours

Rethinking flexible working hours is key for evolving hybrid work models. It’s not just about splitting days between home and office but also about offering flexibility in working hours. True flexibility means workers can adjust their onsite hours to fit their lives, making work-life balance achievable for everyone, which is one of the most important factors for employees. Research shows that both Gen Zs and millennials are seeking a better work/life balance and place a high value on flexibility in where and when they work. The survey, which gathered insights from over 22,000 respondents across 44 countries, highlights that these generations are not only looking for jobs that align with their values but also those that offer flexibility and a chance to balance their personal and professional lives.

Office arrangement

Hot desking and optimized office design are not just trends; they’re key components in shaping the future of hybrid work. By creating dynamic, cost-effective spaces that reduce unused areas, they support a more flexible and efficient working environment.

How do serviced offices support hybrid work?

Serviced offices support the shift towards hybrid work models by catering to the increasing demand for workplace flexibility, accommodating various working styles and schedules. As societal norms, technology, and employee expectations continue to evolve, serviced offices will likely adapt by incorporating more advanced technologies and offering even greater flexibility to meet the changing landscape of work.

Interested in creating a company culture, where work and life is well-balanced? Learn more about how serviced offices support work-life integration.

future of hybrid work